— Boston

Document date
Sunday 1st of April 1917
Transcription Notes
Packed resolutely till 10.30 when the transport people took away my trunks. Then a bad headache overcame me and I had to lie down & nurse it. I took some aspirin at lunch which I had with Maud at the Schenley and rested again afterwards but it obstinately refused to go. We went down to the station at 4, had some tea (very nasty) and left by the 5 train for Boston, via Buffalo, Lake Erie & Albany. My head got a little better as time went on but I felt pretty seedy when I went to bed at 10.30. The weather was very close & warm, the temperature in the shade reaching 80, i.e. 50 degrees higher than Thursday last!Location
USA : Pennsylvania : Pittsburgh [40.4406248,-79.9958864]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism