Sharp diary 1917 page 98. Saturday 31 March 1917 - Pittsburgh

Document date
Saturday 31st of March 1917
Transcription Notes
Early breakfast and a good slog in at my Introduction. Then to class at Carnegie Library at 10 while Maud went to city & got railway tickets etc. Classes lasted till noon or a little after. Lunch at Club and tea at Schenley where I met Miss Cora Neal of the Southern Mountains. Classes 4-6. Dinner at 6.45 with Maud and Miss Neal at Schenley. Returned home for a rest while Maud took 8 p.m. class I taking the 9. Said good bye to everyone and after seeing Maud home returned to Club at 11.15 and to bed, very tired after a heavy day — the last one here, thank goodness. Weather very warm indeed with a hot wind. Changed into thin clothes and dispensed with overcoat! Sent Pension certificate to London to Bank.Location
USA : Pennsylvania : Pittsburgh [40.4406248,-79.9958864]
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