Sharp diary 1917 page 130. Wednesday 2 May 1917 - Pineville

Document date
Wednesday 2nd of May 1917
Transcription Notes
Soon after breakfast we went up to the Townsleys again and noted 7 more songs including Riddle Song, Kitty alone and I, and a fine version of Awake. Called elsewhere afterwards to no effect and then back to lunch. After tea went to Eliza Sharp’s as by app[ointment], but found her niece could not come over to day so got no songs. Met Mr Myers at Hotel, who spoke to me about his sister’s ballets after lecture at Harrogate. Arranged to go with him after dinner to his sister’s Mrs Ingram. The ballets merely 18th cent soft sawder[?] + a few Burns’s etc, but had a very nice talk with Judge Ingram the husband who told me many useful things about the country, which we wanted to know. A very pleasant evening. Am still feeling very weak and used-up but am on the mend. Weather wonderful, bright & sunny but pleasantly cool at this altitude, i.e. about 1000 feet.Location
USA : Kentucky : Pineville [36.76203,-83.6949176]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism