Sharp diary 1917 page 212. Monday 23 July 1917 - New York

Document date
Monday 23rd of July 1917
Transcription Notes
Early breakfast & then to Putnam’s about proofs etc. Called at Gray’s. Gray in N[ew] York but not at office. Then down town to Ames & Rollinson about certificates, to Waterman’s for a fountain pen for Maud & to Chambers’s for note books, paper, ink etc for mountains. Then had my hair cut. Miss Young came to lunch and had a nice talk with me afterwards in our rooms. Began sorting things for mountains after tea and then went round to Miss Gilman’s to dinner meeting Rabold & Dr Wilson. We danced several 4-C[ountry] dances & Rabold did some jigs. The weather is unbearably hot and we go about more or less head-achy all day long. No prospect of any change.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism