— New York

Document date
Sunday 16th of December 1917
Transcription Notes
Breakfasted by myself this morning as Maud was not very well and preferred to have coffee only in her room. We settled up and left by 10 train for N[ew] York which arrived soon after 4. We are both pretty well done up with the work & excitements of the last few days and glad to be back with a prospect of a little quiet and surcease from classes. Telephoned Glenn on arrival but found he was in bed with a cold. Am dining with them tomorrow night and to a lecture at Cosmopolitan Club afterwards. Had dinner downstairs — very nice food after the Bellevue Cookshop! Have just written several letters, Bradley, Romeicke, Lewisohn Miss Flanders etc. Have a long letter from Miss Boutelle to reply to. Charlotte Foss is coming to lunch tomorrow.Location
USA : Massachusetts : Boston [42.3584308,-71.0597732]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism