Sharp diary 1917 page 280. Saturday 29 September 1917 - Hyden, Kentucky

Document date
Saturday 29th of September 1917
Transcription Notes
A very bad night with coughing and asthma and woke up feeling very tired & good for nothing. We walk up Owl’s Nest creek, make friends with a Mrs Eversole[?], aged 15, very pretty, with a 7 months baby in her arms. She takes us to her mother, Mrs Brewer[?], who sings but nothing of any value. Then call on Felix Roberts; Miss R also sings, but not to much purpose. Feeling very slack & seedy return to lunch, rest afterwards and then call on Byers who asks us to dinner tomorrow at noon. Am afraid this is going to be very bad for my asthma, although my room is up high with a clear view all round the house. The mists at night, however, are very trying. No electric light here and the lamps are very primitive so life after 5.30 when it gets dark not very exciting. Go to bed between 7 and 8 feeling very asthmatic & seedy generally.Location
USA : Kentucky : Hyden [37.1609254,-83.3732373]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism