Sharp diary 1917 page 295. Sunday 14 October 1917 - Jackson

Document date
Sunday 14th of October 1917
Transcription Notes
Alas the 10 train was an hour and a half late and so we had to forgo our trip to the Dunagans & Dunaways. This line from Lexington to MacRoberts is the worst one in my experience. The annoying part is no one here seems to mind the unpunctuality and the hideous waste of time which it involves. It seems to suit the sloppy inconsequent way of living in which the Southern Stater appears to delight. So we had to return to our rooms and spend a quiet day. At least it has relieved me of one extra chance of knocking up before I get to Asheville. I am still very far from well I cannot shake off the feeling of intense fatigue & lassitude happily physical rather than mental — I can write and do my desk work without any trouble. The weather is quite warm again — what a wonderful climate! Here ends my last collecting trip for the year in the mountains. I have taken down 600 tunes and the Running Set, perhaps the most prolific year’s collecting in quantity as well as quality that I have ever done. May it not prove to be my Swan-song!Location
USA : Kentucky : Jackson [37.5531457,-83.3835135]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism