Sharp diary 1917 page 352. Monday 10 December 1917 - Boston

Document date
Monday 10th of December 1917
Transcription Notes
Weather colder than ever! We are evidently in for a cold spell — very unusual so early in the winter. Thermometer down to 17 when we went out to Breakfast at Mary Elizabeths. Worked at book all the morning. Took my classes at University 2-5 then straight off to E.F.D.S. rooms to take rehearsal of Running Set from 5.15-6.45. It will go quite well, perhaps better than at N[ew] York. Dined with Lily & Mrs Gibbs and then Maud and I took class of 4 people — afterwards reduced to 3 — in C[ountry] dancing. A real grind to get through the 1_ hours. Back by trolley to Hotel nearly frozen on the way. The weather is very trying indeed and I long for a break but there are no signs of one at present.Location
USA : Massachusetts : Boston [42.3584308,-71.0597732]
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