— Sylva

Document date
Tuesday 31st of July 1917
Transcription Notes
Leave for Sylva in the morning arriving at 12. Had lunch and a rest and then called on Mrs McKee[?] who asked us to call in the evening when her husband would be home. She told us of Watson’s cove about 3 miles off whither accordingly we tramped — a very hard & warm walk, mainly up hill. When we reached the cove we found it peopled entirely by niggers!! All our trouble & spent energy for naught. In the evening a long talk with Mc Kee. He said Bushville & Fontana[?] no good and seemed to think that this line altogether too sophisticated an opinion which I was already arriving at. Suggested a few days at Almond where Mrs Carley[?] keeps a nice boarding house. We decide to go thither tomorrow.Location
USA : North Carolina : Balsam [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism