Sharp diary 1917 page 239. Sunday 19 August 1917 - Oneida

Document date
Sunday 19th of August 1917
Transcription Notes
Started off after Mrs Dan Bishop up Teges Creek directly after breakfast. Found her away on a visit and that we had had our trouble for nought! We called on Mrs Wilson hard by & found her nice though songless. Then we trudged up Crane Creek calling on innumerable Allen’s but getting nothing, not finding even a trace of what we were looking for. Everyone said that no one had been practising these songs for years. Then up Doyle Creek to find Lloyd Doyle who again was away from home. We trudged home about 4.30 very weary & hot and more or less famished with our pencils & books unused! Maud made me some tea and I drank 4 cups. In the evening after dinner we sang a lot of songs to the students on the campus.Location
USA : Kentucky : Oneida [37.26712,-83.648971]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism