Sharp diary 1917 page 271. Thursday 20 September 1917 - Hindman

Document date
Thursday 20th of September 1917
Transcription Notes
In the morning tramped out 4 miles to Mrs Webb Pratt who sang me 4 or 5 excellent tunes. Back to lunch with Bradley at his hotel and drinks at the drug store afterwards. In the afternoon I spent 2 or more hours with Hilliard Smith who gave me quite a lot of most interesting songs. Back in time for supper at 5.30 and afterwards the girls in the school sang me a lot of songs, some of them very first rate ones. I gave them a talk about the songs and cross examined them afterwards as to what they know and in this way got a lot of splendid songs. One of the best days I have had for a long time and I must have taken down over 30 songs! I am beginning a bad cold in my chest, probably the result of the dance on Tuesday and the wet feet I got going to it. Got a mustard plaster to put on in bed.Location
USA : Kentucky : Hindman [37.3359313,-82.9804414]
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