Sharp diary 1917 page 163. Monday 4 June 1917 - Pineville

Document date
Monday 4th of June 1917
Transcription Notes
Woke up with another, a front tooth beginning to ache. Didn’t sleep very well. Went round to Mrs Townsley & Mrs Wilson after breakfast, first looking through and getting off some proofs. Got several songs and returned home at 11, very tired, chiefly I think because of the great heat. Lie down till lunch, and lie on my bed pretty nearly all the afternoon. Look through some more proofs at 5, & send them off. Do not feel much like going to Barbourville tomorrow as arranged, but we make plans to go by the 9.36 train, telephoning to Mrs Franklin. I go to bed very soon after dinner, feeling good for nothing. My teeth still bother me.Location
USA : Kentucky : Pineville [36.76203,-83.6949176]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism