Sharp diary 1917 page 152. Thursday 24 May 1917 - Berea

Document date
Thursday 24th of May 1917
Transcription Notes
Weather still very cold. At last my mail arrives from Asheville — have had nothing for 6 days. Letters from home very pleasant reading. No less than 5 packets of proofs from Putnam’s which occupy me all day — get them all off except one (Introduction) in the evening. In the afternoon 3 students come in & sing very nicely. The only ones of use to me here are those who have just come in from the mountains and are beginning their course. They are nice girls and sing prettily. Am asked to address Faculty tomorrow night at 7.30. No further calls from Smith nor Rayne! Every one seems to shun me. Weather gets warmer in the evening. I am much about the same with about as much strength as a mouse!Location
USA : Kentucky : Berea [37.568694,-84.2963223]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism