Sharp diary 1917 page 86. Monday 19 March 1917 - Urbana

Document date
Monday 19th of March 1917
Transcription Notes
Walked up to Illinois University at 10.30 and made friends with Miss Louise Freer — a very nice person — and her staff — the physical faculty. Was shown over the place and we arranged rather sketchily the programme for the week. Back to Lunch and then went back to take classes from 3-6, I taking tea with the Kingsley’s, friends of Mrs Campbell, at 4 and meeting many interesting people including Loumis a Rhodes Oxford scholar and a Scandinavian & good balladist strongly recommended to me by Kittredge. After dinner we went back again and I took a class of the faculty, rather a terrible business, a regular beargarden, no one could dance but all tried to make up for this talking all the while. Home at 11, very tired indeed.Location
USA : Illinois : Urbana [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism