Sharp diary 1917 page 306. Thursday 25 October 1917 - Asheville

Document date
Thursday 25th of October 1917
Transcription Notes
A beautiful bright & sunny day after a very frosty night. I began a final revision of my 12 songs and then soon after 11, Maud and I walked up Sunset Mountain. This is the first recreative walk or recreative anything else we have done since we came here. I have been working at my songs and Maud at her Index of this year’s gatherings. After tea I finished off my songs and began writing out some of my tunes to send Fox Strangways. We are both feeling sad that our time is nearly at an end here. I am better but the walk this morning tired me dreadfully and my right eye is playing up in the old way — the first time for years. I am wondering if it is because I have been eating soup & chicken here? At any rate I’ll knock off the former. By diligently bathing in very hot water I get the inflammation down — but I don’t like it!Location
USA : North Carolina : Asheville [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism