— Pine Mountain Settlement

Document date
Tuesday 28th of August 1917
Transcription Notes
Breakfast at 6.30 (Maud is certainly better) and catch train 7.35 for Dillon where we arrive very travel worn & dirty at 11.45. Here we are met by Mr John Lewis and a pack horse. We load the latter with our suit cases type writer, dispatch case and mackintoshes and begin our long trek up the mountain side. I only just manage the first half of the journey i.e. up, because of my asthma which is pretty bad. Going down on the other side an easier matter, but the journey takes a full 3 hours though only 6 miles. On arrival am given room at Mr Zandae’s the Farm Superintendent and Maud one in a tent to be exchanged eventually for a room in Miss Pettit’s house.1 Meet everybody, Miss Wells, Pettit, De Long etc at tea under apple tree. Sing to children after supper at 6.Location
USA : Kentucky : Pineville [36.76203,-83.6949176]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism