Sharp diary 1917 page 303. Monday 22 October 1917 - Asheville

Document date
Monday 22nd of October 1917
Transcription Notes
Go down to Church Room in the morning directly after breakfast calling at drug store on the way to get a wound in my forehead dressed. The lift boy jammed the door in my face and the corner caught me above the left eye and bruised & cut me a bit. Work at my songs in the afternoon — a perfectly lovely day, it seemed a sin to sit indoors. Dr Packard came and dined with us. Glad to have an opportunity of showing him some courtesy after the kindness he showed me when I was ill in the spring. Spent quite a pleasant time with him. Am very tired and shall be glad when my work is done and I can take advantage of the place and of the weather.Location
USA : North Carolina : Asheville [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism