— Oneida

Document date
Thursday 16th of August 1917
Transcription Notes
Make a start in our jolt-wagon under the guidance of one William Sawyer at 8.15. The roads are just awful and the jolting indescribable! We first make a stop at Mrs Cis Jones who sings us a splendid version of Lamkin and several other fine songs assisted by Mrs Patrick and Mrs Nanny Smith who look in. Then we go on to Mrs Samples to say good bye. About half way a heavy rain comes on and Maud and I pay a call on Mr Jim Samples who sings us one or two nice songs and gives us dinner. Eventually after much jogging we arrive jolted, stiff & weary at Oneida. Miss Aldrich shows me my room, a very nice one and we settle in and make friends with the people here; Mr & Mrs Adams, the acting President, Mr & Mrs Walker, the business head are the chief ones.1 Food very spare & very indifferent. We shall find it hard to make a living if we stay long, but are lucky in having a friend in Miss Aldrich.Location
USA : Kentucky : Manchester [37.1537007,-83.7618641]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism