Sharp diary 1917 page 259. Saturday 8 September 1917 - Beattyville

Document date
Saturday 8th of September 1917
Transcription Notes
Go off to Proctor again in the morning and pay Mrs Carter another visit to very good purpose. She sings me seven or eight more, all well worth taking down. This has been one of the richest weeks we have had, though a short one because of travelling 2 days. We draw other houses but get nothing else of value. As we intend to leave for Jackson tomorrow we begin packing in the afternoon, arranging about our transport & making other preparations in which we get no help, merely supercilious interest from the egregious Mrs Jones & Co. Make friends with Rev Alex Patterson the Episcopal minister who takes great interest in what I am doing. Everyone here very nice & friendly barring the hotel people. We are both nearly starved. I am eating nothing and Maud very little, partly because of the heat which is stifling but mainly because of the indifferent food.Location
USA : Kentucky : Beattyville [37.5717532,-83.7068597]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism