Sharp diary 1917 page 204. Sunday 15 July 1917 - M.A.C., Amherst

Document date
Sunday 15th of July 1917
Transcription Notes
Very asthmatic & hay-fevery in the night — 4 a.m. At 9 I give Miss Hewitt her 5th lesson. Then have short confab with Peabody. Afterwards look through proofs till lunch. Catch 3.30 Trolley for Northampton where Miss Hewitt meets me and Taxi’s me to Mr Cable’s where we have tea in the garden. He is an interesting man and sings some Creole folk songs collected in Louisiana. Trolley home again rather late for dinner — write letters & go to bed.Location
USA : Massachusetts : Amherst [42.3803676,-72.523143]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism