Sharp diary 1917 page 359. Monday 17 December 1917 - New York

Document date
Monday 17th of December 1917
Transcription Notes
Went to Hotel Lorraine at 10 a.m. to see Woodward of the Carnegie Institute at his request about my application. He at once told me that his Board had voted against me. What on earth he wrote as he did to me and then asked me to call on him to tell me this news I cannot imagine, unless he wanted to impress me with his grandeur. I found him a very self- sufficient ignorant person who talked about Anthropology and other ologies with evident pleasure but with little or no understanding. He is an egregious ass, exactly the type of man who gets into positions such as the one he holds. He might do as Chairman of the School Board of Little Puddleton but nothing higher. He told me that they disbursed no less than 800,000 dollars a year, which drew from me the remark that it was surprising they were able to find 160,000 cases as worthy or more worthy than mine! In the evening M[aud] & I dined at the Glenns and told John M. all about the interview. He did his best to stand up for Woodward but he had a poor brief and couldn’t make much of a defence. Mrs Glenn afterwards took us to a lecture by Dr Waistow[?] at Cosmopolitan Club.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism