Sharp diary 1917 page 138. Thursday 10 May 1917 - Barbourville

Document date
Thursday 10th of May 1917
Transcription Notes
Felt very rotten on waking up and decide to spend a quiet morning at home. First wrote up my tunes gathered yesterday, then wrote a few letters including one to Aldrich. After lunch went round to the Sloan’s, or rather on this occasion to Mrs Broughton’s house where I got another 10 or 11 interesting tunes including a first rate Frog song and a Cock Robin, & curiously enough, a Cuckoo Song. Returned home feeling very seedy indeed and lay on my bed for an hour or two. Took my temperature 101 and got into bed. Clearly in for another attack of the infernal Flue or Grippe as they call "it" in these parts — From the way it starts it bids fair to be a pretty bad attack.Location
USA : Kentucky : Barbourville [36.8664765,-83.8888138]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism