Sharp diary 1917 page 123. Wednesday 25 April 1917 - Lincoln Memorial University

Document date
Wednesday 25th of April 1917
Transcription Notes
Breakfast at 7 a.m. Afterwards M[aud] and I sally forth first to some people of the name of Carroll — man out & woman couldn’t or wouldn’t sing. Then walked a mile or more to the Stamfords and drew a blank. Then to a Mrs. Brooks, a very nice woman, where we got one song. Walked home in time for dinner at 12. After that saw Mr Chester Lewis who gave me two good songs and Miss May Ray who also sang and seemed rather hopeful. Then feeling very ill & feverish went to bed with hot bottle & sent for doctor. He took temperature — over 103 — and then brutally commented — "Well you’ve swallowed it whole this time! And judging by your age you won’t get over it very quickly". Seemed to think I should have had typhoid if I wasn’t so old and hadn’t had it before! Cough very bad. Headache and much neuralgia on right side of face.Location
USA : Tennessee : Harrogate [36.5823046,-83.6568579]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism