Sharp diary 1917 page 199. Tuesday 10 July 1917 - M.A.C., Amherst

Document date
Tuesday 10th of July 1917
Transcription Notes
Some little difficulty with Prof[essor] Thomson about rooms, but eventually straighten it out. Four classes in nice working order now. In the evening we did a demonstration in aid of the Red Cross on the Common in the town, doing amongst other things the M[idsummer] N[ight’s] D[ream] dance round a tree. Rain threatened all day and grass rather down[?] Ground lightens up. Danced from 7-8. Afterwards walked with Campbell & Miss Dame[?] to who is doing a pageant here and has rented a nice house for the year he has been here. Very pleasant evening with him & his family. Walked home about 10.30.Location
USA : Massachusetts : Amherst [42.3803676,-72.523143]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism