Sharp diary 1917 page 166. Thursday 7 June 1917 - Asheville

Document date
Thursday 7th of June 1917
Transcription Notes
Yesterday I asked Campbell to make an app[ointment] for me with a good dentist. This he did. Accordingly I go down and see Dr. Sinclair at 11.30. He said the six front teeth must come out — the sooner the better — and that he will try & fix me up with new sets, top & bottom, by Sunday next. Decide to have extracting done at 10.30 next morning. Then home to lunch and at 3 going out to Campbell’s new Log Hut in West Asheville, where we had tea and showed Mrs Campbell the songs we had collected on last trip. Had a nice chat & a pleasant afternoon getting back to our Inn at 8, in time for dinner, and to hear organ recital & see Movies afterwards. A curious set of people here. All very rich & respectable. Contrast between Grove Park Inn and Central Hotel Sevierville, pretty striking!Location
USA : North Carolina : Asheville [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism