Sharp diary 1917 page 332. Tuesday 20 November 1917 - New York

Document date
Tuesday 20th of November 1917
Transcription Notes
Schirmer’s telephoned me not to go round as hitherto arranged. So I stayed at home and wrote some letters. Afterwards walked round to Russell Sage to see Miss Moore about tickets etc. Tried to get at Harmer[?] but couldn’t pull it off. Glenn very keen that I should meet him about the soldiers dancing in Camp. After tea Maud & I walked down to 14th St[reet] to Steinways to get piano for Friday lecture. Arranged for one to be sent on Thursday — for 6 dollars. Walked home calling at Pack and Tilfords and Brentano’s where I made a row about my weekly Times which missed me all the time I was in the mountains. Found they had made a mistake — as usual — full of apologies & nothing else. Charlotte came round after dinner & Maud and I sang to her, in this way rehearsing for Thursday & Friday next.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism