Sharp diary 1916 page 94. Wednesday 15 March 1916 - New York

Document date
Wednesday 15th of March 1916
Transcription Notes
Another long morning at the Customs, 3 hours, but finally returned in triumph with the film. Weather dreadfully cold snowing hard all the time. Find it rather trying. Went in the afternoon to the Woodleigh School again & taught Helston, Tideswell, Black Nag & My Lady Cullen much to Miss Beiderhaze’s delight. Back at 6 & began long business letter to Maud. Wrote to Barker acknowledging cheque & then when I went down to dinner heard that Barker had just arrived & was in his room. He went out almost immediately and I have not yet seen him. Curious fellow he is! An important letter from Mr Clark about Victor Records, & another important one from Dr Chubb both of which occupied me all the evening. Also wrote Lady Gomme. Expect I had better go to Camden tomorrow but don’t want to in this horrible weather! especially as I have the Academy affair in the evening.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
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