Sharp diary 1916 page 270. Thursday 7 September 1916 - Alleghany - Asheville

Document date
Thursday 7th of September 1916
Transcription Notes
Mat Willan in his motor with Mrs Packhard called for us at Alleghany at 7.15 & motored us to Marshall, calling to pick up a few things at White Rock. Not at all nervous this time, feeling quite safe behind Willan. Spent 1 of the hottest hours of my life at Marshall looking for A. R. Metcalf a singer whom I eventually found had flitted to Penrose. Reached Asheville at 3.30 bought fruit on the way up to the Campbells. There the English mail reached us and I read the awful news of poor [Reginald] Tiddy’s death. Now that he Butterworth, Lucas & Wilkinson have gone I seem to have lost all my pillars except one — V[aughan] Williams and any day something may befall him. I feel too sad to get to work to do anything.Location
USA : North Carolina : Alleghany [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism