Sharp diary 1916 page 262. Wednesday 30 August 1916 - White Rock - Rocky Fork

Document date
Wednesday 30th of August 1916
Transcription Notes
We three started off at 8, Campbell riding with our packs for the night & the lunch, we trudging. I started with a bad headache and found the sun & fatigue didn’t do it much good. A very beautiful walk to Devil’s Fork but poorish after that. Called on Minta Carter on the way & eat our lunch in her house. Arrived at Rocky Fork quite done for at 2.30 to find house shut up and Mrs Moore away. However the 3 teachers Misses Held & Lieb & Mr Bolch (all german names!) had instructions to look after us, and we got the house opened & later on when school was over they came over & made our supper. To bed very tired.Location
USA : North Carolina : White Rock [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism