Sharp diary 1916 page 79. Tuesday 29 February 1916 - New York

Document date
Tuesday 29th of February 1916
Transcription Notes
Telegram from Dr Chubb arrived at 7.30 a.m. asking me if possible to postpone visit to St Louis. Sent off reply. After breakfast wrote letters to Nat[ional?] Arts Soc[iety] (declining invitation to dinner) and Miss Beegle. Had a call from Rabold at 11. Called on Gray and discussed Burchenal & copyrights with him. Lunched here with Wilkinson. Presented letter of introduction to Glenn (who was engaged at a Directors’ meeting). Called on McDonnell at Victor Lab[oratory] and saw Huntington who told me Mrs H away from New York having lost her father. Wrote long letter to Clayton about (1) Cheque from Victor Co[mpany] (2) B’s pirating of my C[ountry] Dances (3) Sellenger’s Round in sheet form. Also letters to Marcosson & Mrs Squires. Called on Miss Gilman & spent the evening with Miss Beegle at 620, W[est] 116th Street.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism