Sharp diary 1916 page 354. Thursday 30 November 1916 - New York

Document date
Thursday 30th of November 1916
Transcription Notes
This is Thanksgiving Day when everyone in America in response to Presidential Proclamation thanks providence so far as they can. According to the newspapers everyone to day is returning thanks for (a) having kept out of the war and (b) for the amount of money that is in consequence floating about! Maud and I took advantage of the quietness to work really hard at the book for 8 hours or more. We have nearly finished the first section of 37 Child Ballads. So I hope to be able to leave a good instalment of MS behind me. We didn’t go out all day and no one called to see us except Mrs Seymour with whom I had an amusing if somewhat stormy half-hour’s conversation. Cable from England "Steady Progress, out Bath Chair, weather permitting".Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
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