Sharp diary 1916 page 139. Saturday 29 April 1916 - Pittsburgh

Document date
Saturday 29th of April 1916
Transcription Notes
No classes in the morning so Maud & I went into Pittsburgh to shop. Rather nice for a change. Returned in time to lunch at Mrs Callery’s to meet several people, Miss Gilchrist, Miss Sherar, Mr Stevens etc. We had a general E.F.D.S. talk afterwards. Then a motor drive in the park with Mrs Callery till 5 when we took a Morris Class. Afterwards dressed & went with Miss Sherar & others to Winter’s Tale. Sheepshearing scene a great success — the dances quite good. That was the one redeeming scene in the whole play and as a matter of fact was far better than the corresponding scene in Barker’s production.1Location
USA : Pennsylvania : Pittsburgh [40.4406248,-79.9958864]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism