Sharp diary 1916 page 117. Friday 7 April 1916 - Cincinnati

Document date
Friday 7th of April 1916
Transcription Notes
Went out after breakfast to Willis 137 West 4th S[treet] to arrange about keeping a stock of folk dance sheets etc. This he promised to do. Then got typist to do a long letter to Child for me which I posted before going out. Then trolleyed to Chandler’s house in Warren Avenue Clifton to lunch. From there to University where I lectured from 4-5.30. At 6 I was entertained at a big dinner given to me by the Faculty & students of the University. At 7.30-9.30 took usual classes as well as my fatigued self could taker them. Dr Ziegler very kindly motored me down to my hotel in a horrid snow storm. Packed etc & got to bed soon after midnight.Location
USA : Ohio : Cincinnati [39.1031182,-84.5120196]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism