— Lincoln, Massachusetts

Document date
Saturday 26th of February 1916
Transcription Notes
Letters after breakfast to Miss E. Fitzgibbon, Drama League Pittsburgh Mary E. Grass, Baltimore Mrs Livingstone, Fort Lodge Iowa. Miss Fitch Chicago. N[orman] Wilkinson came & had a long chat with me. We agreed to lunch Marcosson on Tuesday at 1. Then to Boston by 1 train — met by Mrs Storrow & Lily [Roberts] & motored to Beacon S[treet]. Lily & I dined alone (Mrs S had political meetings) and then all 3 motored down to Lincoln. Very tired by the time we got there & soon all went to bed.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism