— Asheville

Document date
Tuesday 25th of July 1916
Transcription Notes
Breakfast — such as it was — at 5.45 or 6. Then to station — glad to say good bye to the Blue Goose! Train didn’t start till 7.45! Made enquiries about suit case etc. Train went very slowly and at last arrived at Murphy about 11.30. There we hung about after changing stations for the Southern Railway till 3.30 when we began the last stage of our journey. It was only 125 miles but it took us till 11.30 to do it. Wonderful mountain scenery. The Campbells met us at the station & drove us to Biltmore. We were just done up and glad to get to bed.Location
USA : Viginia : Copper Hill [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism