Sharp diary 1916 page 131. Friday 21 April 1916 - Pittsburgh

Document date
Friday 21st of April 1916
Transcription Notes
Wrote to Gray after breakfast & then went through some proofs. Mrs Callery then called for me & we saw some rooms which we thought might do for Maud but we came to the conclusion they wouldn’t. Lunched at Ellsworth Av[enue] with Miss Sherar, then went a motoring thorough the park and saw Bakst pictures at Carnegie Institute. Then took rehearsal of Winter’s Tale dances. Walked home in pouring rain, wrote one or two letters & then went to Mrs Callery’s to dine. After dinner went to Miss Dunanck to meet Miss Young from Cincinnati; we with Miss Seymour had a long & interesting talk. I walked home — nearly _ hour — sometime after midnight.Location
USA : Pennsylvania : Pittsburgh [40.4406248,-79.9958864]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism