Sharp diary 1916 page 260. Monday 28 August 1916 - White Rock

Document date
Monday 28th of August 1916
Transcription Notes
Drove with Maud & Mrs Packhard to Carman in Motor — a very beautiful drive. Met Mrs Anelize Chandley and — Mrs Bacon being away from home — took 3 good songs off her on Miss B’s verandah, Mrs Chandley borrowing a "chew" from me. Settled in the cabin, called on Mrs Hamilton & then M[aud] & I walked to Carman to the Hensleys. Got several more songs there and settled about Emma’s schooling, Maud writing letters about the outfit to Hot Springs and entrance form etc to Miss Schafer. I sent 10 dollars in former letter Mrs H[ensley] 3 in latter. On returning home met Campbell who had found Frizzly Bill & brought him with him, the latter staying night at Mr Sol Shelton’s & promising to sing tomorrow morning for me at 8. What will he give me?Location
USA : North Carolina : White Rock [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism