Sharp diary 1916 page 241. Wednesday 9 August 1916 - Alleghany

Document date
Wednesday 9th of August 1916
Transcription Notes
Started off after 7.30 breakfast to Mrs Noah Shelton’s. Found her out, but Memory her daughter gave me one rather good tune. Then walked towards Carman to try & find an alternative route to the dangerous log bridge, but failed. Called on Sol Shelton’s in the afternoon and had a long talk then taking down one song from Donna. In the evening wrote many letters to Miss Hinman (re second week at Chicago in October) Mrs Callery (about Pageant at Pittsburgh) and Miss Henricks (about arrangements to catch Frizzly Bill for next week).Location
USA : North Carolina : Alleghany [0,0]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism