Sharp diary 1916 page 264. Friday 1 September 1916 - Rocky Fork

Document date
Friday 1st of September 1916
Transcription Notes
Mrs Crane having arranged to take us to see her father Mr Blankenship we left home at 7 and called for her. She took us a weary stony walk up to the top of Higgins Creek where we made friends with the B[lankenship] family a large number of relatives belonging to three or more generations! Got a few songs and on the way home called on Mr and Mrs Coates from the latter of whom I got a fine ballad The False Knight [on the Road] and an interesting variant of Wraggle Taggle Gipsies O. Altogether a very successful if fatiguing day. We must have walked 14 miles over very bad tracks. We got back thoroughly tired out at 6.30 p.m. nearly 12 hours since we left in the morning.Location
USA : Tennessee : Rocky Fork [35.926945,-86.584549]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism