Sharp diary 1916 page 128. Tuesday 18 April 1916 - Pittsburgh

Document date
Tuesday 18th of April 1916
Transcription Notes
Gave the Playground people a good two hours in the morning from 10.30-1. I have about 40 people with a good sprinkling of men. I do first hour C[ountry] dancing, 2nd hour morris & sword in equal dollops. They are an intelligent lot & make a nice class. Then to the Drama class at 3.30 and after dining alone to the E.F.D.S. from 8 to nearly 11. Dr Schleiter came back with me here to milk & biscuits. I like him though he is a German. But he is clever and anything but pro-German. I am doing dances for Winter’s Tale which the Tech. boys are doing next week. Sellenger’s round for general lot, Heartsease for Florizel & Perdita & two others, and I have yet to compose something for the Satyr dance.1 I can’t think of anything at present, but am too tired to think and may do something tomorrow.Location
USA : Pennsylvania : Pittsburgh [40.4406248,-79.9958864]
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