Sharp diary 1916 page 362. Friday 8 December 1916 - New York

Document date
Friday 8th of December 1916
Transcription Notes
Up betimes, breakfast at 8.15 — Maud late as usual! — and got off about 9.20. Called at Knox’s to get a cap — had lost mine — and at Franklin & Simpson’s for Maud to change a sweater she had bought for Susannah, and then on to the dock where we arrived about 10.20. Found all our luggage on board and that nothing was to be examined. Had our passports scrutinised by various officials & then waited for Rabold who turned up about 10.45. We walked up and down the dock with him and then after sending Constance a cable — "Sailing Ryndam" said good bye and got on board. Ship small but comfortable. We sailed at 2.30 in calm cold but foggy weather. Sky cleared when we got outside — the tall buildings looked very ghostly & beautiful & mysterious in the fog. My cabin mate Hodge removed himself & baggage elsewhere & left me sole proprietor of a first rate cabin, much to my joy!Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism