Sharp diary 1915 page 20. Sunday 3 January 1915 - Lincoln

Document date
Sunday 3rd of January 1915
Transcription Notes
Breakfast at 9.30! After a smoke had a long talk with Mrs S[torrow]. I like her very much indeed. We do not see eye to eye about dances because she is primarily interested in physical education rather than in dancing for its own sake. She has promised to get me some lectures here beginning on Feb[ruary] 1st. Will reserve that week for Boston. We then went out in the snow — very cold but bright - & toboganned. I had one smash but no harm resulted. Met Miss Curtis in the afternoon & talked with her & Miss Gibbs over dancing. A jolly evening and am now in my room preparing for bed — 10.30. Weather very cold but exhilarating. Promises to be colder tomorrow.Location
USA : Massachusetts : Lincoln [0,0]
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