Sharp diary 1915 page 112. Monday 5 April 1915 - Montreal

Document date
Monday 5th of April 1915
Transcription Notes
Breakfast at 8.30. Went into town with Ronald and arranged about journey to Chicago taking ticket & sleeping berth for night train per C[anadian] P[acific] R[ailroad]. Went into Montreal[?] Bank, a "Movy"[sic] theatre, and routed[?] about generally till 2 when we returned to lunch. Wrote letters home etc. Mr & Mrs Simpson (he Emmy’s brother) called & afterwards we went round to see[?] & have tea with Holmes. William Sharpe of Toronto had dinner with us. I played after & all of them saw me off at Westmount Station at 10.6.Location
Canada : Quebec : Montreal [45.5088889,-73.5541667]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism