Sharp diary 1915 page 175. Monday 7 June 1915 - New York

Document date
Monday 7th of June 1915
Transcription Notes
Up very early, breakfast about 6.30. We arrived off the pier at N[ew] York soon after 8. Rabold met me & went with me to Pennsylvania Station where I deposited luggage & then had coffee with me at Algonquin. Called on Miss Gilman & arranged about a lecture on the 16th. Also on Gramophone Co[mpany] who provisionally settled on 17 & 18 for records. Had a long jaw & lunch with Gray. Went to Bank & made arrangements there & met Mrs Storrow at Grand Central at 4.10. Tea’d & dined with her at Belmont & left N[ew] York by 11.30 for Pittsburgh. A very busy day.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism