Sharp diary 1915 page 124. Saturday 17 April 1915 - New York
Document date
Saturday 17th of April 1915
Transcription Notes
Had breakfast early and did a lot of telephoning before going out to Ames & Rollinson to get Certificates written in. I also bought some presents for Maud & the children at Benedicts 203 Broadway. Sent wire to Mrs Storrow proposing to go to Boston but received reply & phone message putting me off. Lunched with [Harley Granville] Barker & went to M[idsummer] Night’s D[ream]. Tea’d at Hotel & paid farewell visit to Hectors. Dined Barker at Hotel went with him to see Isadora Duncan play Oedipus at 20th Cent[ury] Theatre.1 Went back with him to discuss Greek Chorus etc walked with him to theatre to get music & returned home solus to bed.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism