Sharp diary 1915 page 128. Wednesday 21 April 1915 - New York

Document date
Wednesday 21st of April 1915
Transcription Notes
Up at 6.45 to finish packing & write 2 or 3 letters and meet Mrs Storrow at 8 to have breakfast with her. Discussed much business. Gave her photographs and had a very pleasant farewell talk. She taxi’d with me to "Adriatic" — sending on my luggage separately — and there said good bye. Very sorry to leave. Found farewell letter from Barkers on board and "Spoon River" book from Huntington’s. 1 Found Hapgood & his friend Hamilton on board. Very comfortable cabin. Sailed at noon punctually. Snoozed after lunch, dined with the two H’s and went to bed early. Very cold.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism