Sharp diary 1915 page 116. Friday 9 April 1915 - Chicago

Document date
Friday 9th of April 1915
Transcription Notes
A very long and tiring day. In addition to the regular classes I had an extra Sword Dance class at 3.15-4.15 and a rehearsal for my Tuesday lecture from 8.30-9.30. So I was overdone[?] by the time I got home at 10.30. Must try & make some other arrangement tomorrow with Miss Hinman or I shall be knocking myself up. Called at Ligon & Henley the music people to see about my books which of course are wanted by everyone but can’t be obtained! Gray & Novello between them are a nice pair!Location
USA : Illinois : Chicago [41.8781136,-87.6297982]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism