Sharp diary 1915 page 86. Wednesday 10 March 1915 - New York

Document date
Wednesday 10th of March 1915
Transcription Notes
Wrestled with accounts of my classes and having finished them walked to the bank and deposited cheques etc to the value of $398!! a goodly haul. Then got my hair cut & wrote letters till lunch which I did with Norman W[ilkinson]. Slept till 4 when I tea’d with N. W. & M[attie] K[ay]. Went out to see about Bryant Hall and buy some collars. Came home & wrote to Constance & Dor[othea Sharp] till dinner at 6.30. Then to Class where I taught Mage, Hey Boys & Row Well, going through If all the World. Mrs Storrow came back to Algonquin & had a drink with me. Goes to Boston tomorrow.Location
USA : New York : New York [40.7143528,-74.0059731]
Read about these diaries, including a note about historical racism