Insurance for individual members
From 1 January 2024, Standard (Practitioner) and Joint (Practitioner) members are covered, with certain exceptions, within the English Folk Dance and Song Society’s Public Liability Insurance.
PLI is not included within any Senior or Student or 18–30 or Under-18 memberships.
Insurance for Group members
Groups are covered, with certain exceptions, within the English Folk Dance and Song Society’s Public Liability Insurance. Any normal folk activities are covered.
We do not accept as members any groups who use solid full face coloured makeup which could be taken by a reasonable observer as likely to imitate or parody a skin colour different from their own.
All members’ enquiries about Public Liability Insurance should be directed to Adler Fairways Insurance Brokers Limited: email [email protected] or telephone 020 8754 8754.
2025 Insurance Certificate - Download now
for 31 December 2024 to 31 March 2025 (April onwards to follow soon)
Common Questions
Q. What is the EFDSS members’ Public Liability Insurance for?
The EFDSS members’ Public Liability Insurance is insurance cover in case of injury to a member of the public, or damage to their property, caused by you in the course of your folk activity – or by the Group’s folk activity, if you have Group membership.
Q: Why are the dates on the Insurance Certificate different from the dates of my Membership?
Members’ Public Liability Insurance is one part of the full insurance policy that EFDSS holds. We renew our insurance at the start of the Financial year (1st April), so these are the dates listed on the Insurance Certificate. The dates that your Group is covered are the dates of your membership - 12 months from your joining or renewal date.
We will send out a new insurance certificate to cover the dates from April 2025 onwards, later in March.
Q. Who is eligible for EFDSS Public Liability Insurance?
Any current Group Member of EFDSS is automatically in receipt of the Public Liability Insurance. Group membership is available for approved folk dance and music clubs, schools, folk bands, festivals and other folk-related organisations.
Paid-up Practitioner members are also automatically in receipt of the Public Liability Insurance. Practitioner membership is available for musicians, singers, dancers, callers, storytellers and other folk-related performers or communicators.
Certain Life members are also included within Public Liability Insurance. You must contact us to confirm eligibility.
Q: What events and activities are covered by the public liability insurance?
You are covered for ‘any folk activity’; this includes, for example, music performance, social or display dancing; dance calling; solo or ensemble singing; or educational work concerning any of these activities.
If your group is a dance, music or singing group, you will be covered for any of the usual activities that are involved in that - including members of the public tripping, falling or injuring themselves while following your dancing instructions; damage to people or property caused by your dancing, singing or equipment, including damage you cause to the space you rehearse or perform in.
But this is not an exhaustive list, if you are planning any activity you are unsure about, do get in touch.
Q. What is not covered by the public liability insurance?
The policy does not cover hazardous activities or pursuits, e.g the use of fireworks. If you are planning an activity that could be considered ‘hazardous’, please get in touch.
The policy does not cover events where the attendance is expected to be more than 500 persons.
The policy does not cover theft or damage to your equipment or personal belongings at a public event. You can insure your instruments and equipment with the same insurance company, they have a specialist scheme for Brass band and other musical equipment insurance for a small premium. Please contact:- [email protected] and [email protected] for a quotation.
The policy does not cover injury caused by the building you are performing in - e.g. if someone trips on a broken step entering the village hall you are performing in, that would be covered by the village hall’s insurance.
Q: Am I covered when my workshop for 20 people is part of a bigger festival/event which has an attendance of considerably over 500?
Yes, the 500 limit applies to the people who are actively attending your own activities.
Q: Does the folk activity have to be English?
No, your traditional or folk activities can originate from anywhere around the world.
Q. Does the insurance cover us if we are performing outside of England?
It covers you anywhere in the United Kingdom or Europe, but subject to UK Jurisdiction – i.e. litigation can only be brought within a Court of Law within the UK.
Q: We are a folk band and we charge a fee for our services. Are we covered?
Yes! As long as you never have an audience of more than 500 people, meaning that your band is not fully commercial.
Q: I am a folk caller/educator/musician/etc and I charge a fee. Am I covered?
Yes! As long as you never have an audience of more than 500 people.
Q: We distribute ‘bring and share’ food. Am I covered?
Q: Is further documentation or a policy schedule available?
See the download links above on this page (
Q: What if I have read the guidance and am still unsure – can I speak to someone?
Get in touch at [email protected] or 020 7241 8956 if you have any questions.
If we can’t help, we will pass you on to our accounts manager at Adler Fairways Insurance Brokers Limited: [email protected], telephone 020 3004 7557.
Q&As: PLI changes on 1 January 2024
Q: Why did you change eligibility for PLI?
1. To save costs, meaning that we only pay for PLI cover for those members who actually need it.
2. To increase our charitable income, as non-PLI personal membership payments from 2024 are now eligible for Gift Aid claims. Read more: Rationalising benefits, and increasing charitable income
Q: I have Standard membership. Can I still be covered?
A: Yes, but you need to tell us that you require Standard (Practitioner) membership. Standard (Supporter) membership, which is the default membership package, does not include PLI cover. There is no difference in cost between these two strands, and both are available as either Individual or Joint membership.
Q: I have Senior membership. Does this include PLI?
A: No. You will need to convert to Standard (Practitioner) membership. The extra cost to upgrade is still exceptionally good value compared with the price of PLI on the open market.
Q: I have Life membership. Will I continue to be covered?
A: Life members as at 31 December 2023 continue to be covered. We encourage Life members to tell us if they do not in fact need PLI, as this will reduce our costs.
Q: What are your longer-term plans for Public Liability Insurance?
A: Despite ever-increasing costs we are determined to continue offering PLI as a benefit for Group and Standard (Practitioner) memberships for the long-term. We know how important it is for the many members who present valued folk activities in their communities, and more widely.