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Search results for: ‘pancake day’
meat, eggs, butter and other fats were prepared in the form of pancakes, which is how the day got its most popular title, Pancake Day. (It is interesting to note here that there are records of pancakes being eaten in England since the 14th century, yet...
- Type: Article
- Author: EFDSS
- Category: British Folk Customs: From Plough Monday to Hocktide
- Language: *
Hop, Hop, Hop This song was collected from Richard Hall of Itchen Abbas. The song tells of a gardener and ploughman discussing which of them is of greater value to society. Hop, hop, hop to the butcher’s shop I dare not stay no longer For if I do my...
- Type: Article
- Author: EFDSS
- Category: Fun with Folk
- Language: *